Learn about opportunities in the skilled trades from a Skills Ontario recruitment representative.
“What’s Out There in the Skilled Trades and Technologies?” Virtual Presentation by Skills Ontario - click here to join the meeting.
Survey for Students: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2021-22studentsurvey
Survey for Teachers: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2021-21teachersurvey
Helpful Links (I have also attached some PDFs with some links/info):
Listen to the Skills Ontario podcast: https://www.skillsontario.com/the-skills-ontario-podcast
Watch interviews with skilled tradespeople and OYAP grads: https://www.jobtalks.org/interviews and https://www.jobtalksoyap.com/
Read stories from people working in the skilled trades: https://www.ontario.ca/page/skilled-trades-success-stories and https://www.collegeoftrades.ca/faces-behind-the-trades
See list of 140+ skilled trades in Ontario: https://www.ontario.ca/page/list-skilled-trades-ontario and https://www.collegeoftrades.ca/trades-in-ontario
Check out different college programs available in Ontario: https://www.ontariocolleges.ca/en/programs?q=&page=0
Explore outlook, average salaries and education/training requirements of many different careers: https://www.ontario.ca/page/labour-market and https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/trend-analysis
Start researching apprenticeship opportunities: https://oyap.com/ and https://www.ontario.ca/page/start-apprenticeship and https://www.apprenticesearch.com/ and https://www.skillsontario.com/pathways-to-apprenticeship/
A list of some pre-apprenticeship programs in Ontario (note: this list is not complete, but I hope it is a helpful starting point): https://careerfoundation.com/ontario-pre-apprenticeship-programs/
Did you know you could receive $2000 for completing your apprenticeship? Well, that’s not all! Check out our video about grants and other financial incentive opportunities here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu1SLvbIHAE