Are you getting ready for grade 11 or 12? Are you thinking about what you want to do when you graduate? Join us as we offer tips on how to navigate the high school course selection process and make sure you are ready to apply to your dream program at McMaster University!
As high school course selection approaches, McMaster University is hosting a webinar for students getting ready to enter grade 11 or 12 to help prepare them for their upcoming university applications.
McMaster is hosting this webinar twice: Thursday, February 16 at 12:00-1:00PM and Thursday, February 16 at 6:30-7:30PM. We will cover topics such as what to look for in a post-secondary institution, McMaster admissions, program options, residence, scholarships and athletics. The goal is for students to start thinking of their post-secondary options as course enrolment for next year approaches.
Guests will have the opportunity to ask their questions at the end of the webinar.
Registration to be completed ASAP: